Catimity Chat

Cookies policy

Cookies policy

  • On January 08, 2023
  • Catimity Tech Ltd

The owner of the website (hereinafter, the Website) is Catimity, with registered office at 54 Balcombe Street, London NW1 6ND, United Kingdom (hereinafter Catimity). For any questions or queries about this cookie policy, you can contact us through the email address: [email protected]

What are cookies?

A cookie is a device that the server of this Website sends to the browser of the terminal (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) from which the user connects, in order to store information on the navigation that is carried out from said equipment, which may, where appropriate, be recovered later.

Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their device, and do not provide references that allow deducing the user's personal data. The user can configure her browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by the Web, without this impairing the user's ability to access the contents of said website. However, we state that, in any case, the quality of operation of the Web page may decrease.

What types of cookies are there?

Cookies, depending on their Permanence, can be divided into:

“Session Cookies”: They expire when the user closes the browser.

“Persistent Cookies”: They expire depending on when the purpose for which they are used is fulfilled (for example, to keep the user identified in the Services) or when they are manually deleted.

Depending on their Purpose, cookies can be classified as follows: technical or performance cookies: This type of cookie remembers your preferences for the tools found in the services, so you don't have to reconfigure the service every time you visit. By way of example, this typology includes: Volume adjustments of video or sound players and/or video transmission speeds that are compatible with your browser, among others.

Geolocation cookies: These cookies are used to find out what country you are in when you request a service. This cookie is completely anonymous, and is only used to help target content to your location.

Registration cookies: Registration cookies are generated once the user has registered or has subsequently opened their session, and they are used to identify them in the services with the following objectives:

Keep the user identified so that, if he closes a service, the browser or the computer and at another time or another day enters said service again, he will continue to be identified, thus facilitating navigation without have to re-identify. This functionality can be suppressed if the user clicks on the "log off" functionality, so that this cookie is deleted and the next time the user enters the service, the user will have to log in to be identified.

Check if the user is authorized to access certain services, for example, to participate in a contest.

Analytical cookies: Each time a user visits a service, a tool from a third-party provider generates an analytical cookie on the user's computer. This cookie, which is only generated during the visit, will serve on future visits to the Web services to anonymously identify the visitor. The primary objectives main ones that are pursued are:

Allow the anonymous identification of browsing users through the "cookie" (identifies browsers and devices, not people) and therefore the approximate counting of the number of visitors and their trend in the time.

Anonymously identify the most visited content and therefore more attractive to users.

Know if the user who is accessing is new or a repeat visit.

Important: Unless the user decides to register in a Web service, the "cookie" will never be associated with any personal data that can identify him. These cookies will only be used for statistical purposes that help optimize the user experience on the site.

Behavioral advertising cookies: This type of cookie allows you to expand the information of the advertisements shown to each anonymous user in the Web services. Among others, the duration or frequency of display of advertising positions, the interaction with them, or the browsing patterns and/or user sharing is stored, since they help to form a profile of advertising interest. In this way, they allow advertising related to the interests of the user to be offered.

Third-party advertising cookies: In addition to the advertising managed by the Web in its services, the Web offers its advertisers the option of serving ads through third parties (“AdServers”). In this way, these third parties can store cookies sent from the Web services from the users' browsers, as well as access the data stored in them.

What cookies do we use on Catimity?

1. Own cookies: These are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by Catimity and from which the service requested by the user is provided, these being:

  • Session: necessary for the correct use of the web page, uninterrupted navigation remembering language or country options. They are used to identify the same temporary session of a user or browsing session, thus measuring, for example, the frequency.
  • Techniques: they store generic and anonymous information that does not include personal data whose objective is to guarantee the operation of the web.
  • Registration: they are created with the registration of a user (log-in). They are used to identify the user once they have authenticated themselves on the Website.

2. Third-party cookies: are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by Catimity, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies:

  • We do not use third party cookies. We take your privacy and anonymity seriously.

How to disable and/or block cookies?

The user may, at any time, manage the use of cookies through the browser installed on his terminal. In the following links you can find information about what cookies the user has installed in their browser, allow their installation, block them or delete them from their equipment:

There are third-party tools, available online, that allow users to detect cookies on each website they visit and manage their deactivation.

Web browsers are the tools in charge of storing cookies and from this place the user can exercise their right to delete or deactivate them. Neither this website, nor its legal representatives, can guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of cookies by the aforementioned browsers.

In some cases, it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget the user's decision not to accept them.

For legal questions

[email protected]